Sunday 5 February 2012

                                                                     EXPOSE INFILTRATE THE EDL

Yesterday Anti-fascists activists infiltrated the EDL march in Leicester,  On Saturday the temperature was very low but this did not deter us as we are used to living in a squat with no central heating, so the cold was not a problem.  After marching with the EDL we were disappointed that there were no arrests, some of our Anti-fascist comrades attempted to provoke the EDL but they did no take bait, the EDL did not suspect us Anti-fascists as being infiltrators.

After the march we had try to find a pharmacy after our flea bites were becoming more and more inflamed, after talking to the shop owner about the EDL march, and stealing some Anti-septic cream we then travelled to Highfields to buy some heroin.  This is a success for Anti-fascism as we managed to infiltrate an EDL march without being noticed.