Sunday 12 January 2014

Weyman Bennett Mission Statement Part Ten Of The U.A.F`s Non Existant Political Manifesto Using A Rocket Launcher And Sending A Highly Trained Team Of Michael Jackson`s monkeys into outer space

When the U.A.F launched itself against the Fascists we faced them head on and told working class people that they were scum for voting the Nazis into power. What is of concern is having Fascist and racist groups that send shock waves through to parliament using a pneumatic drill outside number ten downing street. David Cameron is a Nazi and Angela Merkel is a Nazi and everybody is a Nazi and Bruce Forysyth`s pet Ferret is a Nazi.

We now have fertile ground in Martin Smith`s back garden that has been fertilised using Freddie Mercury`s sperm that he had frozen before he became permanently deceased. What is a major problem with a racist society is Enoch Powell`s rivers of blood speech, and Nick Griffin leader of the B.N.P has tried to emulate this success by putting his penis in a kitchen blender and then urinating into the river Thames and then photographing it and claiming that Enoch Powell`s prophecy had come true.  When Nick Griffin`s mask was ripped away on question time using a pair of crabs pincers that were purchased from the supermarket in the out of date section, what we witnessed was a Nazi and Fascist and racist organisation being exposed to horrified members of the audience who were so horrified that they have been unable to stop saying the word Nazi ever since.  The media play an important role in the growth of fascism.  Michael Jackson who is charge of the media promotes the E.D.L as a normal organisation.  Every time we meet the police in the toilets they claim that the E.D.L is a human rights organisation.

Fascists build on people`s fears using concrete and traditional building techniques that originate from when the Romans conquered Britain and a dodgy cement mixer that Nick Griffin bought off E bay.  Golden Dawn is a Nazi and Fascist criminal organisation that want to use brutal force and destroy society and destroy unions.  Hitler gassed the boy scouts because he was a nutter and a fruit cake who wanted to exhume Dick Turpin`s remains.  Fascism is a product of Sainsburys supermarket that people can buy for just five pound on discount offer, and we aim to expose Fascists by pulling down their pants and humiliating them in public.  One of the reasons why the Nazis increase their vote in elections is because they beat women up during" hanky panky" that as gone wrong.  Anti Fascists have directly confronted the Fascists by hiding behind the police lines and shouting "Nazi" and " Fascist" at people who simply could not even give a damn about what we are saying.  We hope to take our organisation into the future using a time machine that Martin Smith has built in his garden shed using a hammer and chisel and pieces of scrap metal taken off a junk yard.