Saturday 19 October 2013

Has the establishment cloned Tommy Robinson?

With the recent defection to the Quilliam foundation by Tommy Robinson the self styled leader of the E.D.L, many E.D.L supporters are posing the question "has the establishment cloned Tommy Robinson"?.  Many E.D.L supporters are in amazement at Tommy`s u turn in regards to Islam and what could be the possible motive behind the change.  A close associate of Tommy stated that Tommy was acting strange in the days leading up to the announcement and had a distant vacant look about him, Tommy was also talking in an emotionless metallic voice.  Many of Tommy`s associates were concerned for him when he attended the police station, and some were very concerned that the police could try cloning Tommy.  Ginner Binns a gay rights activist from Halifax stated that he was disappointed that Tommy had quit the E.D.L as he had put gay rights on the map, Binns is considered a local martyr in the gay scene after surviving a homophobic hit and run car accident in which he was left for dead in the road by a group of local Pakistanis.  Rory "O" Neil a representative from Irish Republican Burglars Against Nazis stated that he was devastated at Robinson`s departure, "O" Neil stated that he would be launching a protest against Robinson`s departure by stealing radios from people`s houses in the Halifax region.

The police still need to keep tabs on E.D.L supporters and they are now considering sending some of Michael Jackson`s chimpanzees into outer space to spy on E.D.L supporters.  Special branch have been involved in political sabotage for a very long time, also they have been involved in violence against the police by throwing bricks at them on environmentalist marches as well as impregnating hippies and other environmental protesters all in the name of espionage.  The police were also seen laughing and joking with Antifa members during a violent mob rampage in Brighton.  The police also facilitated the blinding of nurse by Antifa supporters in Brighton, this poses the question of establishment interference and sabotage of street protest movements in order to discredit them.