Thursday 10 October 2013

Full report on Islamic extremist conference closed down by Hope Not Hate

Hope Not Hate can proudly announce that they have managed to close down a proposed Islamic extremist conference that was due to feature hate preachers.  Edmonton Islamic centre was due to host hate preachers who believe that homosexuality is abnormal and against nature and that the cure for the condition is to throw homosexuals off the top of mountains.  This is unacceptable and we cannot allow this to happen.

Matthew Collins and Nick Lowles visited the Islamic centre a couple of hours before the conference was due to commence.  The Taliban members were inside with machine guns and rocket launchers and they had Michael Barrymore and Boy George tied up in the back who they were later going to throw off the top building to prove to the general public that they mean serious business.  Lowles confronted the extremists immediately and called them a group of thugs, Lowles stated that if the extremists did not leave the premise immediately then he would chain himself to some railings outside.  Matthew Collins feeling the worse for wear then suddenly broke wind, blowing a hole in the Islamic centre wall.  The Taliban immediately abandoned the conference believing that they were under attack from the security forces. Matthew Collins then rescued Boy George and Michael Barrymore and took them back to his flat for refreshments while Nick Lowles sprayed E.D.L on the rear entrance of the Islamic centre just in case the building caught fire later on.