Sunday 28 October 2012

                                                  THE POLICE FACILITATE AN ILLEGAL MARCH BY UAF/SWP

Saturday witnessed a new low point in policing in Britain, the home secretary had ordered a 30 day ban on all protests in parts of London including Walthamstow, this would mean that anybody who violates this law would be arrested, the police warned the EDL if they attempted protest in any of prohibited areas they would be arrested, the ban also applied to the UAF/SWP.  Unfortunately the police did not keep their promise and allowed and facilitated an illegal march by SWP/UAF.  The counter protesters should have been arrested, but were not, also some of the protesters barged out of the police cordon and travelled to parliament where they hurled abuse at the EDL demonstration, the abusive protestors were not arrested.  This clearly suggests that the Government prefers the extreme left to that of patriotic Britons.  Some EDL supporters were followed by the police and ordered to move on or face arrest.