Friday 4 January 2013

                                         THE BRITISH POLICE A FORCE OF SADISTS AND CRIMINALS

A disturbing trend is occurring at public demonstrations, in which the police are assaulting people so that they retaliate, so then the police can use extreme violence such as splitting people`s heads open with batons and smashing the sharp edges of riots shields into people`s heads, this method is only for white people and the police do not apply these methods on ethnic minorities, some people claim that the police are an anti British movement who want to destroy Britain by political policing that favours ethnic minorities.  Many members of the police force are involved in freemasonry and secret groups which are also involved in corruption such as protecting paedophiles in Government from prosecution.  Numerous police officers have faced accusations of serious criminality, including drug dealing, GBH, paedophilia, and possession of animal pornography, but any legal action against the police is extremely difficult in a court of law, due to police sabotage and intimidation.

Also many police officers are involved with mafia type criminals, this is an easy process by simply bribing police officers so that they won`t prosecute you.  A protected drug dealer usually receives a phone call one hour before a police raid so he can remove his drugs from his/her property and move them to a safe location.  Drug dealers who are not in league with the police are raided and have massive amounts of money and drugs removed, the police would for example confiscate ten thousand pound from a drugs raid and then book one hundred pound in at the police station, and keep the remainder for themselves.

White working class people appear to be the main target of the police, as the ruling elite control the police, this is why the Government intentionally employs people of limited intelligence into the police force, so they obey orders without questioning them, also sadists and thugs are usually promoted in the police force and into the public order department.
The realms of homosexuality are also rife in the police force, and the police are recruiting more and more homosexuals into the police force, numerous local police stations have a gay police association, and many take part in gay pride events.  The police also have a political agenda that is ordered by their pay masters, the Government, anyone who opposes immigration or Islam is dealt with severely including beatings and police fit ups.