Friday, 13 April 2012

                                                      SAMUEL JACKSON SENT TO CONFRONT THE EDL

EDL demonstrators could be in for a surprise at the Luton demonstration in May, if any supporters decide to go on the rampage and attempt to damage local shops they could be confronted by vigilantes from America.  Veteran Anti fascist actor Samuel Jackson will be attending the U.A.F counter protest with a team of guardian angels who will be ready to confront the EDL.  The vigilantes are due to arrive at Luton airport two days before the demonstration.

Jackson who is of Afro American heritage has played numerous roles as a black super hero confronting evil corrupt whites.  This time Jackson will be putting his experience into practice.  Also members of the Black panthers and the Black power movement will be attending the U.A.F protest.  A spokesperson from the Black power movement ( which has a Blacks only policy) stated that racism had no place in modern society.  Jackson who has a number of criminal convictions including possession of a fire arm stated that he had heard of numerous horror stories about the EDL.  Although Jackson himself has a criminal conviction for illegal possession of a sub machine gun, but Jackson's states that he was innocent and that the police planted the weapon in Jackson`s attic, but Samuel still condemned the EDL as a criminal organisation.  The UAF were now considering a merger with the Black panthers movement.

Weyman Bennett stated that this could be a set back for the EDL now that the UAF had "global" support.

Below the fascist EDL in Dudley.