By his own admission a conversation with Weyman Bennett is a linguistically adventurous experience. Having Tourettes syndrome means that Weyman produces random words repeatedly, for the time being Weyman repeats the word "Nazi" 900 times an hour, then there are surreal phrases like "the golf open tournament is a Nazi and fascist organisation" and "John Wayne was a Nazi who wrote a document that he denied the holocaust"
Where all these strange lines appear from nobody knows, Weyman suffered major employment problems in his 20`s due to the verbal outbursts, he was sacked from Tesco`s for calling customers "Nazis" also whilst Weyman was stacking the shelves he frequently shouted out "you Nazi bastards" and "fascist". Facing no long term career prospects Weyman decided to join Unite Against Fascism where the outbursts would seem more normal and they could be put into practical use. Bennett now has a permanent job with the organisation working in the U.A.F offices answering E mails and telephone calls.
For many people the condition causes misery and also provokes laughter from the general public, but Weyman has actually managed to the situation around a forge a career for himself.