Thursday, 1 March 2012

                                                 PUBLIC INFORMATION ADVERT ON MARTIN SMITH

Charlie and I were playing in the park when a Communist called Martin Smith approached us and asked us if we wanted to attend a Unite Against Fascism rally, he also stated that we could attend an international Marxist conference, he gave us a brochure that advertised the event.  Charlie (cat) immediately ripped the leaflet up and told Smith that Marxism had enslaved and killed millions of people and that the reason why countries like Cuba are so repressed is because of Communism, also this same ideology had resulted in mass starvation and poverty of Russian peasants and other people.

Marxism also influenced the French revolution in which people were decapitated by a device called the guillotine.  When me and Charlie returned home my parents rewarded us.  Charlie was given a piece of salmon and I was given Anglo bubbly gum, space dust and sherbet dip from the confectioners.